Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Milan, Italy - October 7, 2013

So, let's start our day in Milan with a selfie shot. 

I am going to say right now. I did not make reservations in time to get in and see The Last Supper. I am a horrible tourist. But, we did spend one rainy cold day in Milan at the Cathedral. Which was magnificent. (I am so not a fan of churches, but come on... just look at these. I mean, wow!)

Piazza del Duomo and Duomo di Milano

So, this cathedral (duomo) was started in 1386 and it was not completed until 1965. That. Is. Crazy. It was under some sort of construction for 600 years.

Mark Twain wrote in 1867:
"They say that the Cathedral of Milan is second only to St. Peter's at Rome. I cannot understand how it can be second to anything made by human hands."

I agree with Mark Twain. This gothic structure was so phenomenal from the inside/out.

A moment for my friend, Sophie's family. Lit a candle and made a donation for her family's loss the day before.

Interior shots of the Duomo:

16th-century statue of St. Bartholomew with his skin thrown over his shoulder like a cloak. (According to tradition, he was martyred by being flayed alive.)

Some shots from inside the Milan Cathedral Treasury:

When not in its place in the Cathedral, The Holy Nail is kept in the crypt of relics.
It is believed to be one of the nails with which Christ was crucified.

The tomb of Cardinal Borromeo...

Can we stop here for a second. This church is full of mummies. Sorry, "sarcophagus" - they dress 'em up, put on a mask - and then put them in glass viewing caskets. You can see their hands and back of their skulls. I'm not gonna lie - I was totally weirded out by this. I seemed to be the only one who found it spooky.

Cardinal Schuster:

Cardinal Ferrai (yes, like the car)

This is a close up shot of the carvings at the top of the tall interior beams that are in pictures 6-8 above.

Awe, ain't their little gift shop cute?

Ok, a few outside pictures, then we get to go to the top of the Cathedral and oh, yay, it starts raining again.

Peek a boo! Hello everyone! I'm smiling. In the rain. On top of a church. Freezing. But it was so awesome!

The traditional picture I take of Mike taking pictures. Heh.

I'm about done. Can we go back to our super awesome hotel and use the totally crazy shower and tub? Cuz though were warm. And awesome. And warm.

Before we go... some quick shots of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. Which translates to super fancy mall that I could never afford to buy anything. Day I hit the lottery is the day before I rush to this mall.

The Leonardi da Vinci statue (surrounded by his 4 favorite pupils) in the Piazza del Scala which is in front of the La Scala theater.

And let's end this visit down Milan memory lane with the devil's juice - lemon shots. Lemoncello. The I forgot what city I'm in shot.

Ohhh, next up is Pisa and Vinci. And guess what? SUNSHINE. 
Stay tuned for our next stop...

xoxo Mike & Denise

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